Edgar Sewter Playschool is an independent playschool within the main Edgar Sewter School in Halesworth. We were rated GOOD after our recent Ofsted inspection in January 2019. “The small staff team work closely together to provide children with a stimulating range of interesting activities and resources” “children become deeply involved in their chosen activity” “Children are happy and well settled” “staff track children’s progress and accurately identify their stage of development. They use information gained from observation and assessment effectively to target what children need to learn next” “Staff share ideas with parents about ways that they can support their children’s learning at home. Parents praise the small friendly playschool and comment on how much more confident and independent their children have become since they started attending” “Staff use calm and consistent strategies to remind children of the expected rules of behaviour. They help children understand the consequences of their actions on others. Children show care and concern for others and listen and follow instructions”.
Our Ofsted report can be viewed here: https://reports.ofsted.gov.uk/provider/16/251469
Edgar Sewter Playschool is a registered charity: Charity number: 1079409